I’m Amy!
A tea-o'holic, biscuit muncher and a not so secret cheesy music lover! I’m also an experienced digital and offline designer and the face behind Fourth Avenue Studio.
A little bit about me
Design has always been apart of me. From an early age of organising my felt tip pens in gradient order to trying to make perfume from my Nan’s roses. I’ve always loved creating.
I am hugely sentimental over all things paper and have kept every wedding invite, table place name and order of service I have been lucky enough to attend. To me they are emotive keepsakes and take you back to a place or event in time. I am known for being obsessed with smelling fresh magazines and books, you cannot beat the smell of paper stock, right?!
It’s no surprise then that I went on to study design and visual communication at university and have been lucky enough to work for a multi-award winning marketing agency for the past 13 years.